Medical Clinic
After-hours/walk-in medical clinics provide care for patients with non-urgent medical problems who either don’t have a primary care provider or are unable to obtain an appointment with one. After-hours/walk-in medical clinics serve patients on a first-come, first-served basis.
Clinics can address conditions such as:
Sore throat
Possible bladder infection
Rash (such as scabies, etc.)
Testing for sexually transmitted infection
Lower back pain from lifting or twisting
Flu symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, chills, and fever
And more
Find a clinic near you using this directory from the New Brunswick Medical Society.
Did you know?
Anyone can go to After-Hours/Walk-In Clinics, whether you have a family doctor or not.
A clinic’s staff can order tests such as blood work, X-rays, MRIs, CT scans, scopes (such as colonoscopies, etc.), and more. Often these tests will be shared with your family doctor or nurse practitioner.
A limited number of same-day appointments with a nurse practitioner are available at Horizon’s Fredericton Downtown Community Health Centre, located at 339 King St., Fredericton.
This is not a walk-in clinic.
These visits are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
To book an appointment, call 506-452-5689 or visit Skip The Waiting Room to book online.
A limited number of same-day appointments with a physician or nurse practitioner are available at Horizon’s Saint John Uptown Health Centre, located at 110 Charlotte St., Saint John, on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
This is not a walk-in clinic.
These visits are BY APPOINTMENT ONLY.
To book an appointment, call 506-674-5048.